
Rugby’s most colourful event of the year, The Santa Run

Rugby’s most colourful event of the year


organised by Rugby and Northampton Athletic Club, with help from the Rotary Club of Rugby, saw a record

number of Santas (over 800!) take part in Sunday’s 6th annual Santa Fun Run.

In ideal weather – dry, cool, and frost free – a sea of red took to the track and the streets crossing the finish line to the sound of the Bilton Silver Band, with medals and

mince pies for all and trophies and prizes for the winners.

Winner of the turkey prize and the trophy for first place in the 5K run was Adam Wright and first lady home was Julie Guard. First junior to cross the line was Cian

Hutton whilst 11 year old Georgia Gercs took the junior girls trophy. Matilda Jones

and Lyle Lambert finished first girl and boy in the one mile Santa Dash respectively.

Mini Lap winners: Amy Ingram, Ollie Brown, Hannah Thomas, Oliver Phillips,

Scarlett Tracy and Harry Wolsey.

Prizes were presented by Mayor of Rugby, Councillor Mrs Belinda Garcia and MP

Mark Pawsey who once again ran in the 5K race.

Myra Potter of RNAC was thrilled to see so many families participating and

said “As well as the sheer enjoyment of the event, record profits have been raised for

local good causes. We’re so grateful to our main sponsors Xercise4Less and John

Nicholls Building and Plumbing Merchants, and to many others who contributed

generously to make it all possible”

Proceeds and sponsorship money raised will go towards improving facilities at

RNAC and The Rotary Club of Rugby, who support various local charities.

About the Author

By ad-bryac / Administrator on Dec 14, 2017