
Annual General Meeting – Wed 20th March, 1930

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 20 March 2024 as an on-line meeting using Zoom. The Meeting will start at 19:30. All members and parents of junior members are invited to attend.

The preliminary agenda for the Annual General Meeting is:

Apologies for absence.

  1. Minutes of the previous AGM held on 22 March 2023.
  2. Chairman’s report on activities and achievements in 2023.
  3. Treasurer’s report and statement of accounts for 2023.
  4. Election of Honorary Treasurer.
  5. Election of Ordinary Members of Club Committee. There a total of 10 places, divided equally between Rugby (5) and Northampton (5).
  6. Subscriptions for 2024-2025.
  7. Appointment of President.
  8. Appointment of Honorary Auditor.
  9. Other Business.


Election of Honorary Officer: Honorary Treasurer

One of the four Honorary Officer posts is due for election at this year’s AGM: Honorary Treasurer. Honorary Officers remain in office for a two-year term after election. Any member who is age 18 or over on 20 March 2024 and is a fully paid-up member may stand as a candidate for election to the Honorary Treasurer post. (Parents of junior members are eligible to stand only if they are also Club members themselves.)

Election of Ordinary Members of Club Committee

There are a maximum of 10 places for Ordinary Committee Members, comprising up to 5 members who will represent those who train at Rugby and up to 5 members who will represent those who train at Northampton. Ordinary Committee Members remain in office for a one-year term until the next AGM. Candidates must be age 18 or over on 20 March 2024 and must be fully paid-up members or parents of fully paid-up junior members.

Nomination of candidates for elections

Candidates for the elections of the Honorary Treasurer and Committee Members must be nominated by two other members (proposer and seconder). Nominations must be sent to the Hon. Secretary no later than 21:00 on Wednesday 13 March 2024 (a hard copy with the signatures of the proposer and seconder may be requested).  Please email nominations to: secretaryrandnac@gmail.com

Other Business

The AGM will consider and, if necessary, take action with reference to any other business or motion of which not less than 14 days’ notice has been given to the Hon. Secretary by any member wishing to propose it, provided that such business is covered by the Club Constitution. Proposals for other business or motions must be sent no later than 21:00 on Wednesday 6 March 2024. Please email proposals to: secretaryrandnac@gmail.com

We will circulate the final agenda for the AGM and draft minutes of the 2023 AGM together with details for joining the Zoom meeting one week before the AGM.

About the Author

By ad-bryac / Administrator on Feb 29, 2024